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Low Residue Diet

A low residue diet limits dietary fiber to less than 10-15g per day. The goal is to decrease the amount of stool in the colon. Be sure to check the labels of what you are eating; often foods have added dietary fiber. Preparing foods so they are tender is key; simmering, poaching, stewing, steaming, braising, baking or microwaving. Thoroughly cooked food helps your body digest it more easily.

Low residue diets are often used for people recovering from recent bowel surgery, have conditions which make digestion painful or are preparing for a colonoscopy.

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Foods to include

  • Refined grains (white bread, white pasta, pancakes, grits, cream of wheat)
  • Refined cold cereals (puffed rice, puffed wheat)
  • White rice
  • Crackers without wheat, nuts or seeds (saltines, Ritz)
  • Pretzels without seeds
  • Juice without pulp or seeds
  • Tender meats, fish, eggs
  • Fruit without the peel or seeds (peeled apples, banana, melon, avocado)
  • Soft, thoroughly cooked or canned vegetables (carrots, potatoes)
  • Pureed foods such as yogurt, pudding, applesauce, protein shakes, smoothies without seeds, blended soups, cottage cheese, ice cream, sherbet
  • Smooth peanut butter
  • Margarine, oils, mayonnaise, ketchup, soy sauce, sour cream, honey, Boullion, coffee, tea, hard candy

Foods to avoid

  • Whole grains (whole grain bread, cereal, oatmeal, flax, brown rice, wild rice, quinoa, barley)
  • Granola, graham crackers, corn bread
  • Popcorn, seeds, nuts (including crunchy peanut butter)
  • Dried beans, peas & lentils
  • All raw vegetables
  • The following vegetables (even if cooked): broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, Swiss chard, onions, beans, corn, peas, asparagus, winter squash
  • Dried fruit, berries, fruits with skin or seeds (such as grapes, blueberries, dried coconut, prunes)
  • Tough meats or meat with gristle
  • Pickles, olives, horseradish, relish
  • Jams, marmalade, preserves, candy with nuts or seeds